Iridology: eyes are the windows to your health

Iridology is the study of the iris, one of the most intricate and captivating tissue structures within the human body. Just like markings on a map, the iris can reveal ones current health state along with strengths and potential challenges of certain organ systems, and even personality traits! The iris has an infinite range of structural possibilities, and an amazing assortment of colours that can identify each persons individuality. In fact, there are no two irises exactly alike, much like a fingerprint.

Iridology is not new, the first recored sources of iris analysis extends as far back as ancient Babylon! However, it was in the late 20th century that doctors and scientist, primarily from the United States, Europe and Australia, brought Iridology into worldwide recognition. Iridology has been founded on over 300 years of observation and documentation of patterns (empirical evidence). Unfortunately Iridology is very difficult to study within scientific parameters, which means the evidence is currently somewhat limited. However, in my experience it is a study that proves itself once you learn the language, and observe a range of different eyes in relation to the individuals symptoms and disease.

The eyes are formed during the second week of gestation when tiny buds of neural tissue extend laterally from the sides of the forebrain. As the foetus continues to develop, the eyes seperate and move forward, and connect to the brain via the optic nerve, a collection of retinal nerve fibres that act as an electrical cable to the brain. Imagine the eye as a screen on which the central and autonomic nervous systems project information about what is happening all over the body. The colour and pattern of your eyes is a reflection of your genetic inheritance from the past three generations behind you! Whether you develop your dispositions to the best or worst case scenario depends on the way you eat, drink, think, live and love!

Below are the three primary constitutional types:

  • Blue eyes = Lymphatic

  • Mixed/hazel eyes = Mixed biliary

  • Brown eyes = Hematogenic

As a Naturopath, Iridology enables me to assess the colour and fibre structure variations within my clients irises, which helps inform the constitutional strength of their body, along with aspects of their personality and emotional patterns. Though it should never be used as a stand-alone diagnostic technique, it is an incredibly useful screening tool to use alongside thorough case-taking to detect inherent individual predispositions and potential health vulnerabilities in their earliest stages. This enables greater refinement in treatment direction, and provides the client the opportunity to prevent illness and maintain optimum wellness, which is the ultimate goal!

Yes, it is possible for me to analyse your eyes online. If it is something you would like to explore please simply mention it when you request a Naturopathic booking and I will happily email you a PDF on how to take photo’s of your Iris’ at home.

1. Miller, T 2008. The Integrated Iridology Textbook.
2. Sharan, F 1989. Iridology: a complete guide to diagnosing through the iris and to related forms of treatment.


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