Making Decisions Using Your Human Design
“We are not here to be controlled. We are not here to follow some authority that's out there somewhere. We're here to live our truth, see the truth so that you don't have to spend your whole life pretending, manipulating, trying to figure out ‘how to’ - instead, you can just glide through this process and it's beautiful.”
-Ra Uru Hu.
Source: Pinterest
AUTHORITY is the part of your Human Design chart that tells you how your decision making process operates. Your Authority works like the rudder of a boat helping it navigate waves and currents of the ocean. Every decision in your life has brought you to where you are at now. So if there are parts of your life that don’t feel aligned, maybe it’s within relationships, work or even your health, perhaps reflect on if you were really in your sovereignty when you made the decisions that got you to this place? or where they based off societal ideals, marketing, someone else’s judgment/opinion etc.?
The 3 most common Authorities are:
Emotional: decision making for you is rooted in feeling rather than thinking. It is not logical and one should never try to explain it. Emotions work in a wave, moving from hope to pain and back again. It is by feeling these movements that emotional authority can be experienced. Emotional authority is slow and should never be rushed. The mantra “there is no truth in the now” is true Emotional Authority, sleep on it before saying yes or no.
Sacral: you will feel it deep in your gut when something is right for you or not. The sacral only speaks in 3 voices: Ah-huh (yes), Uhn-un (no) and hmmm (no response, hesitation, or no energy available right now.). It is important to hear the sound of your own sacral response (auditory) and to feel (visceral) the opening or the closing of your energy’s availability before committing your energy to a decision.
Spleen: this is based on instincts, it is a strong knowing in the now wether something is correct or incorrect for you. The knowing travels through your lymphatic system and can feel like a Tibetan gong going off within you. Some say this is a relatively quiet feeling compared to the sacral response, which is true, but when you become attuned to it it becomes loud!
Then you have the 4 less common Authorities:
Heart/Ego: based on hearts desire and willpower. Ego authority is rooted in the correct use of willpower. The ego, when properly used, makes a commitment to something that is correct for that being. You are supposed to be healthily selfish in your decision making.
G centre/Self-projected: you gain clarity through talking it out. You may notice your tone of voice change as truth emerges, the voice will either have a streaming quality, a flowing expression that is unencumbered by mind, or it will not.
Mental/None/Environment (projector only): this authority learns to feel in the body what ENVIRONMENT is beneficial and SEES who really wants its unique perspective. The correct environment will bring the correct people and activities, and a feeling of relaxation in the body, which allows for clarity to emerge in decision making.
Lunar/None (reflector only): exclusive to reflectors as they’re meant to let the unfolding of life show them the answer. With no consistent life force, lunar authority requires a deep understanding of how the planets are bringing energy into the life. This pattern repeats itself every 28 to 29 days, so observing this pattern while considering a decision gives many different perspectives. It is only by seeing life through one or more lunar cycle that a reflector can even begin to SEE how these movements change them.
And get this: no one has the mind as their authority. No one! The mind is a processing agent meant to help us become smarter about the world around us - and not to be used for overanalysing and over-complicating our inner life. We get blinded by so many ‘should’s’ that it blocks us from hearing the part of our design that’s always trying to steer us in the right direction.
No matter our design, we’ve all been conditioned to let our minds run the show for way too long. So the most important part of anyone’s de-conditioning process is this: learning to become an observer of our thoughts, and not a believer of our thoughts.
If there’s one thing above all in your chart that will create the most positive shift in our lives, it’s learning how to use your AUTHORITY (and STRATEGY 😉).
If you are intrigued and want to learn more about Human Design and go deeper into understanding the mechanics of your Aura book in for a Level 1 Human Design Reading HERE