7 Signs your Immune System may need some extra support…
Do you feel like you often get sick, feel fatigued or have any other of the nagging symptoms above, it may mean your immune system is weakened. Below are some of the tell-tale signs your immune system may need some support.
Constant Tiredness & Fatigue
The first sign our body will give us when it is out of balance is fatigue and tiredness. When other systems in your body such as your immune system is working overtime or struggling to function it will take from your energy levels. This is also an intelligent sign from the body telling you to slow down and rest so that you can heal.
2. Feeling Stressed or Burnt Out
Chronic low-grade stress weakens the immune response. Stress actually decreases the body’s lymphocytes, which are white blood cells that help fight infection.
3. Frequent Stomach Troubles & Diarrhoea
70% of your immune system is located in your digestive tract. If you have frequent diarrhoea, gas or constipation, these may indicate compromised immune defence.
4. Poor Wound Healing
The immune processes involved wound healing depend on healthy immune cells. But if your immune system is sluggish, your skin can’t regenerate. Instead, your wounds linger and have a hard time healing.
5. Recurrent Cold Sores
When you immune system lowers it allows other “dormant” viruses and pathogens to proliferate, a really common one is herpes simplex virus type 1 responsible for cold sores.
6. Easily Catch Colds & Coughs
It is considered “normal” to have 2 colds/flu per year, and on average it should take 7-10 days to bounce back. If you’re constantly catching a flu, or it takes forever for it to run its course, that is a clear sign your immune system is struggling to keep up.
7. Recurrent Infections
If you seem to battle frequent infections that often require antibiotic treatment, such as bacterial sinusitis, thrush, ear infections or chest infections, your immune system might be sending you red flags.
If you feel any of these signs are affecting you and you are ready for an immune system upgrade, I would love to support you in bringing it back to optimal functioning. You can find out more about my Naturopathic services and book an online appointment via the button below.